Gila main WeChat Speed All Star ♥
Assalamualaikum semua! :D
Siapa pengguna android atau iOs, mesti pernah main game kat WeChat (kalau ada akaun WeChat lah :p )
Mula-mula dulu game Craz3 Match, kemudian game GunZ Dash, dan sekarang WeChat Speed!
Personaly, FD bukan lah kaki game. Main game bila takde benda nak buat je. Tapi game WeChat Speed ni memang gila! Asyik nak main jeeee. Lagi-lagi bila dapat high score. Dah tentu lah nak saing dengan pemain yang lain, kan? Lagi syok dapat challange pemain yang lain. Kena beat score diorang >,<

Main game ni lelama pun phone tak panas :p

Artis pun join main WeChat Speed hokeyyyyyy.
But from 19th May until 5th June ♥
Kenapa sampai 5th June je? Meh baca entri sampai habis ye darling ;)

Tips nak dapat coins and diamond dalam game WeChat Speed ♥
Pergi search ID wechatgame dan follow.
Nanti korang ikut step yang diberikan dan dapat habuan :D

Yet, another tips. Main game dalam pukul 7 malam sehingga 11 malam.
7 malam tu tunggu lah lepas waktu Maghrib. Jangan nak langgar solat pulak :p
Sebab kalau main game dalam waktu tu, korang dapat double coin. Bayangkan dalam 1 race, korang dapat coins dalam 300 gitu. Bila double dapat 600 coins. Tak ke banyak tu?
Jangan bazir life main waktu siang. Ihik! :D

3 pemain teratas dari setiap kumpulan yang tinggal kat KL akan dapat jemputan untuk join final competition dan main dengan 6 artis terkenal. Tak ke segonok tu? Haaa! Siap ada hadiah RM15,000 tu wehhhh! Mau menjerit mak oi. Hihi!

Ni je yang mampu untuk high score. Tak dapat nak join top 3 players tu T__T
Sebenarnya pernah dapat markah tinggi lagi. Tapi lupa nak screenshot :p
Tengok lah, senang-senang je dapat 1k coins.
Nak dapat diamond pun senang tauuu!
Here some tips to get more diamond:
1. Players can collect 5 diamonds when he/she share game result on moments for the first time every day.
2. Invite friends Get Diamonds.
3. All Star Race Gift
Daily offer: 1000 coins, 5 Hearts
Login 7 Days, get 50 Diamonds
4. New Cars unlocked
Explorer, Apollo
5. WeChat Speed official site Daily Bonus
Daily Bonus
5/19: Reach 880,000 points during 21:00-22:00 to win 20 Diamonds
5/20: Get a score ended with the number "7" (e.g. 208,897) during 21:00-22:00 to win 5000 coins
5/21: Apply Gas Tank 5 times to win 5000 coins.
5/22: Spend 100 Diamonds to get 10 Diamonds for free
5/23: Reach 1 million points in the current day to win 20 Diamonds.
5/24: Complete 3 races to win 10,000 coins
5/25: Apply Gas Tank 3 times to win 2000 coins.
5/26: Spend 200 Diamonds to get 50 Diamonds for free.
5/27: Get a score ended with the number "7" (e.g. 208,897) during 20:00-22:00 to winn 3000 coins
5/28: Reach 880,000 points during 21:00-22:00 to win 20 Diamonds
5/29: Apply Gas Tank 5 times to win 5000 coins.
5/30: Complete 3 races to win 10,000 coins
5/31: Get a score ended with the number "7" (e.g. 208,897) during 21:00-22:00 to win 5000 coins
6/1: Apply Gas Tank 5 times to win 5000 coins.
6/2: Complete 3 races to win 10,000 coins
6/3: Spend 100 Diamonds to get 10 Diamonds for free.
6/4: Reach 880,000 points during 21:00-22:00 to win 20 Diamonds
6/5: Get a score ended with the number "8" (e.g. 208,897) during 21:00-22:00 to win 5000 coins
Harap tips ni berguna untuk korang! ;)
Sampai 5hb Jun je tauuu! Cepat-cepat kejar nak dapatkan coin dan diamond. Boleh tambah apa yang patut kat kereta korang tu nanti :p
kite tak usik langsung game kat wechat. takde mase. hehe. tapi nampak mcm best ^^
ReplyDeleteya allah kak fd :O
memang boleh ketagih kalau da start main game WeChat Speed ni kan diana...hee
ReplyDeleteKak fatin peminat game rupanya .. maafla saya x de wechat ..
ReplyDeletekat wechat ada game rupanye... aigo
ReplyDeleteId : crystalnichi
ReplyDeleteAdd tw.. kita race kak fatin.